Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The History of Nursing Web site

The official web site of the American Association for the History of Nursing is a rich site for resources, some even that focus on students and their need for resources on the leaders and prominent nurses. There is a student primer at


but the whole site is useful for anyone interested in nursing. One section that really intrigued me is the Gravesites of Prominent Nurses. Did you know that Walt Whitman, the poet, was a male nurse during the Civil War? There's that and more at this page -


Monday, April 6, 2009

Trial on new database

We are running a trial of the ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Database. I hope you will find time to look at it. You will need a password, which I have given to your teachers, or you can call me. Obviously, I can't put it on the blog or everyone in the world could find it. That would not help me know if our students liked it or not.

Here is the URL - http://trials.proquest.com/ptc?userid=2972211

Please email me for the password or any comments you may have. Karen.Chobot@ndscs.nodak.edu